Monday, July 2, 2012

Scott Griffin of L.A. Guns Shoots Straight Atcha

Interview by Ron "Roosterpuddin" Isbell
              Scott Griffin

Many of us  that banged our heads during "The Headbanger's Ball" era,  when MTV was actually a music channel, KNOW who L.A. Guns are. With songs such as "Electric Gypsy", "Sex Action, and "The Ballad of Jane", L.A. Guns put themselves firmly in the Los Angeles Metal scene forever.Even though Tracii Guns has his own "League of Gentlemen" now, nothing could ever take away the songs The Guns gave us during the metal hey-days on the Sunset Strip.Their new disc , "Hollywood Forever" is out now, and jumping very well. Here's what Scott told me last night.......

What was your first instrument?

The drums, and I wish I woulda stuck with them. But my first instrument I really learned was the guitar.But I actually had a bass that I borrowed from a friend. And I really wish I would have stuck with that,too.The guitar was a dead end for me.I am just NOT a guitar player, even though I can play it really well.It's a personality thing. I AM a bass player.There's a complete different attitude between the two. I'll consider myself a bass player 'til I die.And then I'll consider myself a dead bass player.

Dead or alive, which musician would you wanna jam with?

Keith Richards, because he is both dead and alive. HA! But seriously, he is the most awesome rock star of all time. Him and Keith Partridge. Something about the name Keith, I guess.

If you weren't a musician, what would you be?

Probably an architect. It must be so cool hangin' out with your friends drinkin' some beers, and say "Hey, you see that high-rise over there? I designed that fucker!"LOL It's the same as songwriting. Whether you're at home strumming an acoustic and it ends up being this huge rock song with drums and screaming vocals, or you're drawing on a sketchpad, and it turns into this huge building.There's just this buzz you get when you hear it, or look at it completed , and say "WOW!!!! I created this monster!" It's very Dr. Frankensteinish. It's ALIIIIIIIVE!

What's your fave track on the new disc?

Well, personally, I'd have to say "Requiem". I wrote it, and wether anybody likes it or not, it's hands down the greatest thing I've ever written. It's my "Stairway", my "Bohemian Rhapsody". I'm not saying it's as good as those songs. But it's probably as close as I'll ever get. But if I was a fan without bias, I'd say "Queenie".
"She's a devil of a woman in a tight black dress. Marilyn Monroe with a tattoo on her chest".
Fuckin' A! Bon Scott would buy Phil a drink or two for that line.

What are some of your favorite movies?

Oh man, this is gonna be a long answer. I Looooooove movies! It's kinda the ultimate art form. It has everything.Visuals,dialogue, music. The whole kitchen sink. It's the closest thing to real life besides real life. And that's what art is all about,yeah? art imitating life. In real life, you never hear menacing music right before you get chopped up  by some maniac. Or maybe you do. I haven't been chopped up by some maniac, so I wouldn't know.
What was the question again? Oh yes. I told you this would be a long answer.
I'm huge into cult films. Good and bad. I love Spaghetti Westerns like "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly", and all the films that movie spawned. I also love the Italian Giallo Genre. That was the Italians take on all the 70's Dirty Harry flicks."Confessions of a Police Captain", "Violent Proffessionals", "The Long Arm of the Godfather", "Big Guns",etc.
And then I also have a love for really bad films I got into after seeing "Ed Wood".The greatest bad film of all time IMO is "Executioner Part Two". It's so bad, there's not even a Part one! That should tell you something! LOL!!!
But probably my favorite all-time "serious" movie is "Shampoo". Warren Beatty was my surrogate Dad growing up. Wether that's a good thing, I don't know, HA!
I also love "Dumbo". It was my first favorite movie when I was a little kid. AWWWWW......I can say the cutest things sometimes.

Who were the craziest band you ever toured with?

"Damn Dice" from England. Just because I know they'll freak when they see me name-dropping them.HA!
I love those guys.Two French brothers that are all about the music, and two other guys that are all about the after-party. A recipe for a beautiful disaster! And aren't those the two things that rock and roll are all about?
I wish them all the luck in the world. They're gonna need it, ha! Hope we play some more shows with them!

Scott, what do you wanna to say to all the L.A. Guns fans all around the world?

Well, I'd LIKE to say thank you for helping us win this Grammy, you're the greatest fucking fans in the world! But if that doesn't happen then, I'll be just as happy to cut the first part and say "You're the greatest fucking fans in the world!"

                                                               Photo - Joe Lester

This was a huge honor for me to interview ANYONE in L.A. Guns. Anyone that knows me well, KNOWS I Fucking love the L.A. Guns! ...and do NOT forget to hit their website for a show near you!!!!